Running an application will almost always require users to authenticate before interacting with the data. In this Invoice Management System, we want to configure django the require users to login before having access to any of...
Category - Invoice Management System
Install reportlab module with the following command pip install reportlab This command also installs pillow a python image library 2. Import reportlab modules # For Report Lab from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from...
Let’s add pagination to our page. Make sure jQuery and Bootstrap are added on your page before proceeding. Download pager plugin from this website and add the files to your application. 2. Add the pager scrip in...
Wow! we are finally fixing the boring-looking design of our invoice management system. In this blog, we will work mainly on the template (html files) and the CSS files. Fixing the application color and content area...
We want the users of the application to do as minimum typing as possible. This will help with data validation and improving the accuracy of the data saved in the Database. In this blog/vlog, we will implement autofilling of...